I'm no pro with videos but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless (n_n)
I honestly don't know why the video appears so strangely wide on my blog. I tried an hour to fix it but it doesn't work T.T Please open it with youtube for better proportions (and if you know how to fix it please tell me :D)
I honestly don't know why the video appears so strangely wide on my blog. I tried an hour to fix it but it doesn't work T.T Please open it with youtube for better proportions (and if you know how to fix it please tell me :D)
So these are the 49 itmes without my room wouldn't be MY room ^^ ♥
If you like on of the items and want to now where it got it from please ask away ~ However many of these things I got either as a gift or kept them since my childhood :)
(I actually didn't even want to upload it on youtube but uploading straight from my PC didn't work. Why are videos such a pain to handle? >.< )
Which times do make your room YOUR room?
Tell me in the comments!
Yaya ♥
Das video ist total super geworden ^^ Deine Sachen sind alle sooo hübsch!!! *GD face mask haben will*
AntwortenLöschenhaha, danke :D