Freitag, 30. August 2013

London travel diary - part 5

So here is the last but one part of my travel diary :D This time I want to write about Camden Market, a place to shop I enjoyed very much.

In Camden Market you can find sale booths and shops with unconventional goods. From goth, to cyber punk, to vintage fashion you can find everything. In one shop I even discovered a very loliable dress which I didn't buy though ~

The shops in Camden also had very interesting fronts:

Shoes everywhere ~

While we were in Camden we also saw a rainbow. That was so nice 

Another interesting thing (at least for me) about Camden was the food they sell there. They provide an huge variety of kitchens from different continents. We ate something Jamaican if I remember it right :D

Anybody of you who had been in Camden before?
Share your opinion in the comments!


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